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Child drawing

You will need to have the following information at the time of enrollment:

  1. Proof of Birth (birth certificate, baptismal certificate, valid passport, green card, hospital birth record, adoption papers, a notarized affidavit of parent/guardian).

  2. Proof of Residency (current utility bill or service agreement for gas/oil, electric, cable TV, driver’s license, vehicle registration, deed or signed current property lease, or a notarized statement from parent/guardian indicating address of residence). Residency is subject to investigation and verification by the Allentown School District.
  3. Affirmation of Prior Discipline Record – The sworn statement of the parent/guardian about the child’s previous disciplinary record. This statement is included in the enrollment application.

  4. Proof of Immunizations with Dates (Click to review for PA Department of Education Immunization Requirements).

Required for Students Entering Kindergarten or First Grade, BUT NOT AS A CONDITION OF ENROLLMENT

  • Proof of Physical Examination within the past year or consent for a physical exam to be conducted by the school physician.

Other Helpful Records

  • An academic transcript or report card. Special education students should also include an IEP and copies of assessments.


Use this link and select “Create a New Account” if you are enrolling a child in the Allentown School District.

  • Click on the Community Portal; a welcome screen will pop up. Click the Apply for a Sapphire Community Portal account. 
  • When asked for keyword, type “paasd”
  • Read the user agreement; check the “I have read and agree to the above policies” box, and click continue.
  • Complete all information as requested.
  • Pick your username and password; choose a sample security question and answer it.
  • Click Continue.
  • You will receive an e-mail that your application will be reviewed. The approval process may take up to four business days.
  • Once you receive your approval e-mail, you can sign onto the Sapphire Parent Portal system using your username and password.
  • You will have access to attendance, behavior, and grades for your child.

If you are unsure what school your child will attend, visit our School Locator Page and enter your address. Please register your child as early as possible before school starts in the fall!

Families with any additional questions regarding registration or other general inquiries can contact district personnel using Let’s Talk. You can also contact your school building for additional enrollment assistance.

We are excited for you to be a part of the Allentown School District family!

Staff giving out backpacks to ASD familes

Allentown School District seeks to ensure that all eligible children within the City are enrolled. Students are encouraged to learn, and parents are invited to participate in the education process.